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shared resources

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shared resources

Postby emb3dd3d on Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:31 am

I just watched the cast about your product.. It looks very intriguing. I have a couple of questions:

* will/does it have a central repository for dbs, tables, etc that multiple users can access?
* will/does it have controls for user access security?

This would be a fantastic product but hopefully the information wont be limited to one desktop, especially if this information was to be shared with multiple users/departments..

It looks good though, keep up the good work.
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Re: shared resources

Postby Ken on Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:31 am

Good questions. A few options:

1. Strata has a local "project" that is a repository for all local, non-linked data. Normally, this is just used by a single user. However, this project can be stored on a network, which means that multiple people can use this project. There are no access/security controls for this method.

2. Similarly, if you place text files like csv or dbf on a network drive, multiple users can connect to that file and retain all the settings (calculated fields, etc) in their own local project. Again, that text file wouldn't have any security controls relating to it.

3. The most robust method would be to store your data files in a database system, like Oracle or MySQL and use Strata as an interface for this data. Each user would have access to this shared repository and would continue to retain all their settings locally. In addition, the database system would set the access controls to provide the security you are looking for.

Let us know if you have any trouble making any of these scenarios work.
Ken Kaczmarek
Kirix Support Team
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