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Importing Paged Data

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Importing Paged Data

Postby pperrin on Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:10 pm


I am an experienced developer, and am looking to use Kirix to mess around with various data.

The issue I am looking at right now is that the data I want to use comes from a website where it is separated into several hundred pages, accessed using a query string:-
ie. something like

I assume I can write a script to traverse the pages and consolidate the data from each -- but even looking at your sample plug in I can't see how I would add/access such a script to kirix... The javascript for doing a loop to generate the urls, even using xmlhttp to fetch the pages etc is no problem for me - it is just how I then 'attach' the script to kirix that I am lost on.

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Re: Importing Paged Data

Postby Aaron on Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:48 pm


You can create a script and run it directly in the project as well as in an extension. To create a script and run it in the project:

1. Go to the File menu and select New->Script, which will open a blank text editor.
2. In this script, enter a trivial message box command to get things going: messageBox("Test");
3. Click on the save icon and save the script to the project with a name such as MyTest.
4. To run the script, either right-click on the newly saved script in the project tree and select "Run", or select Run/Script Query from the Tools menu (Alt-Enter hotkey).

Once you've created a script, you can run it manually, schedule it to run regularly in the background (Tools->Schedule Jobs), or package it up in an extension to run on application load.

In this example in this post,, the extension inserts some menu items on application load, which then do various things when you select them. If you go this route, you might create an extension to insert a menu item, that when selected, runs your import script. See for a related discussison.

Aaron Williams
Kirix Support Team
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Re: Importing Paged Data

Postby pperrin on Mon Oct 15, 2007 6:04 am

Thanks Aaron,

The 'file|new|script' was the main thing I was missing -- I had been hunting around the tools menu - expecting a 'new/record' type of option.


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