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Exit for Loop

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Exit for Loop

Postby abenitez77 on Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:08 pm

I have a for loop within a for loop and in the 2nd loop (the inside loop), if a certain criteria is met, I want to go to the end of the for loop so it can loop to the next value...instead of falling thru and executing the rest of my code. How can i do this? Currently, I am using break, but this is not skipping the current step in the loop, it is exiting the loop.

for (i in selected_items2)
for (x in selected_items)
var TblExists = db3.execute("SELECT Table_Name FROM information_schema.tables Where Table_Name = '" + selected_items[x] + "'");
if (TblExists.hasNext())

alert("Table - " + selected_items[x] + " Not in " + selected_items2[i]);
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