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website bugs

Please let us know if you are encountering problems with the beta or have ideas for how it can be improved. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can try to repeat the problem. Thanks!

website bugs

Postby Craig on Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:11 am

Not got to the browser yet but on the website:
1). On the welcome page when starting the browser, all single-quotes are being displayed as a small black diamond with a white question mark inside.
2). When registering for these forums, if you change the language to British English, you are forced back to the start of the process and have to hit Register again to continue.
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Re: website bugs

Postby Ken on Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:45 am

Hi Craig,

Thanks for the bug reports on the site. We can definitely sort out #2. For #1, can you let me know what OS you are using?


UPDATE: Fixed and fixed. The first was due to a caching problem we had that morning. And for the forum, we're now just dealing in "English" to make things simpler.
Ken Kaczmarek
Kirix Support Team
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