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Saving to files

Please let us know if you are encountering problems with the beta or have ideas for how it can be improved. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can try to repeat the problem. Thanks!

Saving to files

Postby pazl on Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:06 am

First off, dang this is great, I have worked with tables and browsers for years, I can't believe this hasn't been done before. Browser, Database, spreadsheet functions all in one place. Talk about adding a lot of freedoms for dealing with information. This is it fer sur.

I haven't restarted my Mysql server yet, so decided to save some tables to a file. At the moment, saving a table to a file seems a bit murky. I am still attempting to find the means to do so. I am sure it is there, but have yet to get the seemingly correct choices to allow for this.

I realize this is probably considered less than the optimum way of dealing with the data, saving to a file. Not knowing the target market, I imagine that most of your efforts are aimed more at database manipulations, rather than saving tables to files.

Not having successfully saving to a file I haven't yet found out if the 'saved file is proprietary to Strata' or not.

Running the program On MS Vista atm Beta 4 1.1

I hate to even ask, but any thoughts on a version for OSX
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Re: Saving to files

Postby Ben on Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:44 am


Thanks much for the post. We're still in the process of streamlining saving to external databases. Try this out and see if it makes it easier:

1) Right click on the project node, select New -> Mount
2) Enter your server information
3) After creating the mount, you should be able to see your database tables
4) Drag a file in your project into the mounted MySQL database.

Let me know how that works.

As for an OSX version, we use wxWidgets, so technically the process of porting the software to Mac OSX should be relatively easy. We would also like to see a Mac OSX version in the near future.

Ben Williams
Kirix Support Team
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