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Removing a column break

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Removing a column break

Postby GraemeA on Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:35 pm

I inserted a column break into a table.

"Selected" the column break by clicking on where the column heading would be; I'm assuming that the increased width the column break border means that it is selected.

Data -> Columns -> Remove column break had no effect (although I could hide it).

Also, right-clicking on the column break heading (which isn't there) gives a popup with an option to 'Insert Column(s)'; this does not seem to do anything other than select a cell in the column break on the same row as your last selected data cell.

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Re: Removing a column break

Postby Ken on Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:42 pm

Good catch. Looks like we didn't hook up the "Remove Column Break" item. "Hide Columns" will remove the column break for you. The problem is that it isn't intuitive how to select the column break, since there is no header. Currently you have to right click in a cell within the column break... not ideal. We'll work on making this more intuitive.

Insert Columns opens up a panel with the field list -- you can either double click on the field to add to your view or drag the field from the panel into the table. In general, the column "view" is extracted from the actual field information, which lets people insert the same field multiple times or hide them at will, depending on what type of analysis they may be doing. "Delete Fields" will actually remove the field from the database.

Thanks for the report, I'll add it to the list.

Ken Kaczmarek
Kirix Support Team
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