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Resize Html to fit and some other questions

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Resize Html to fit and some other questions

Postby mzex on Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:43 pm

Is there a way to resize html page to fit in wxWebControl?

Also, how can we suppress message box saying "Please check addres.... " when you opening url which doesnt exists?

Is there a way to disable scrollbars when html is bigger than control?

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Re: Resize Html to fit and some other questions

Postby mzex on Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:56 am

Ok, i did not manage to resize html, but i will survive without it.
Also, i take care of scrollbars in page css, so thats not a problem.

I'm making some kiosk application on closed environment, and it will run on device with touch screen. I did not managed to suppress that msg box, when opening non existing page, or when page which is not available. I need to intercept that error, and redirect user to some other page , something like "sorry, that page is unavailable". I set up logging to file on wxWidget application, and every message raised from other pieces of application are logged to file, and i dont have message boxes anywhere (wxwidgets also raises some warnings and errors in msg boxes , but i redirect all errors and warnings to file).
I run this method when application starts and it works everywhere , except on webConnect.

bool LogInit(){
// log everything

// use stdout always
wxLog *logger_cout = new wxLogStream(&std::cout);

FILE *f = fopen("log.txt", "a");
// and a file log
wxLog *logger_file = new wxLogStderr(f);
wxLogChain *logChain = new wxLogChain(logger_file);
wxLogStatus(wxT("Application started"));
return true;
return false;

I cant redirect warnings and errors from webConnect, anybody know way how to do it? Also, i need to hide cursor, because i have touch screen, and i successfully hide it in every other piece of application, but i cant hide it on webConnect. I did a SetCursor(wxCursor( wxCURSOR_BLANK)); on wxFrame where webControl is placed but with no effect. That command successfully hide cursor on every other frame. This two issues are really stoppers to me, and i tried everything, but with no success. Any suggestion how to solve this?

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Re: Resize Html to fit and some other questions

Postby Ben on Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:27 pm

To override message boxes, first find out what piece of code is causing the message. If it is in wxWebConnect, you can attempt to modify it to suit your needs. If it is in xulrunner itself, you still can probably override it, but it will be much more difficult.

As for the cursor, this is almost certainly a xulrunner issue. Xulrunner/Mozilla subclasses the window, and wxWebConnect is no longer responsible for the cursor.

Ben Williams
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