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File import issue - kstrata

Please let us know if you are encountering problems with the beta or have ideas for how it can be improved. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can try to repeat the problem. Thanks!

File import issue - kstrata

Postby MES_Tech on Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:57 pm

I am testing kstrata and what a pain to select files.

I open the import window and Choose Files box comes up in the ~/kstrata/bin directory.

If I make a mistake and go back, it returns to this directory instead of the directory I was just at.

This is a real problem if you have deep directories to keep products seperated.

Also, while importing the files, the only indication I had that something was being done is the "Stop" button was highlighted and other buttons grayed out. Oops, nothing got imported.

The file types box also doesn't work in the "Choose File" dialog unless *.csv is choosen. Must be selected in the "Import Wizard" which isn't displaying properly on my machine. (Fedora Core 6, KDE). If you have to go back,you have to go through the whole choosing the directory again.
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Re: File import issue - kstrata

Postby Ken on Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:08 pm

Thanks for the feedback... yeah, we've got some work to do in the file import/open area. It's pretty clunky in the interface at the moment and not very intuitive for what people want to do.

We've had some other people comment about problems in this area too and it's definitely on the list of things to sort out. I don't think it is going to make this next beta iteration (any day now), but hopefully soon thereafter. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

Ken Kaczmarek
Kirix Support Team
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