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SF Bugs 1571814 and 1578958

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SF Bugs 1571814 and 1578958

Postby NinjaNL on Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:36 pm

Am I correct in my thinking that these two are actually the same bug?

Surely dragging a sash (either the upper sash downwards or the lower sash upwards) should effectively reduce the height of the middle row of panes until the height is the calculated minimum size (height) and then reduce the opposite pane until it reaches it's minimum height. Basically "pushing" the other panes out of it's way until they "put on the brakes".

Or am I missing something subtle here?

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Re: SF Bugs 1571814 and 1578958

Postby Ben on Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:01 am


They are similar, but not completely identical. Both are bugs that need to get fixed -- we're aware of them over here at Kirix.

Thanks for reminding me about them.

Ben Williams
Kirix Support Team
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