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EULA Question

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EULA Question

Postby sheller on Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:53 am

Hey Guys,

I was reading through the EULA and I had a question about the License Grant Limitations. The limitations state :

1.2 LIMITATIONS. Licensee agrees not to modify, network, translate, reproduce, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or create derivative works based on or copy the Software and will not rent, sublicense, loan, transfer or permit access to the Software to any third party.

Since you've provided the means to extend and interact with Strata which could be used to extend the capabilities of the software, or even to integrate it with other software, even stating in the FAQ that you have built strata to allow people to

develop custom applications and extensions or create processes that run on a regular basis

I was wondering if you could clarify exactly what you consider a derivative work to include, and more importantly what you consider it to exclude. I'm really excited about the possibilities strata allows, but I'm a little hesitant to begin building things with it before I'm clear on the extent to which you're comfortable allowing the combination of your software with other software you may have no direct control or license to.
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Re: EULA Question

Postby Ken on Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:48 am

Ah, looks like a beta period for the beta EULA too. :)

Great question. These limitations do not prohibit the use and configuration of existing capabilities within Strata. We definitely encourage people to develop custom applications and extensions or create processes that run on a regular basis using the scripting functionality.

We'll be releasing an upgraded beta version in the next day or two and we'll revise the EULA in order to help clarify this paragraph.

Thanks very much for the detailed look at the legalese, it's really helpful to get an additional perspective.

All the best,
Ken Kaczmarek
Kirix Support Team
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