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Suggestion: Summarize based on query

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Suggestion: Summarize based on query

Postby MEB on Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:29 pm

Currently Data Summarize will summarize all the records in the table. The fields that are summarized can be limited by highlighting a column first. It would be nice to be able to limit the summary to certain records with a query.

Since a window to collect the query would have to be designed, perhaps a selection from a list of all fields could also be made which would limit the fields summarized.
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Re: Suggestion: Summarize based on query

Postby Ken on Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:40 pm

Thanks for the suggestion; we'll add this to our features list.

A few alternative methods to get what you want:

1. Assuming you can create a query for the records you wanted to summarize, you could either create a new query for these records or use a filter/copy to get the records out into their own table. Then, you would summarize on that new table. The two-step process isn't perfect, but it will probably get you what you want.

2. If you wanted to summarize a group of records that couldn't specifically be queried (i.e., you are visually working with the records), you could create a new field and just add an "x" in the new field to mark the records in question. Then you could copy them out and summarize on that new table.

3. For a real quick and dirty sum only, you can just highlight a group of cells and you'll get a sum of those numeric cells at the bottom right in the status bar. This is obviously quite limited compared to the summarize option, but just wanted to mention it.

Again, none of these are as quick as what you suggested... but hopefully they can tide you over for now.

Thanks again for the suggestion,

Ken Kaczmarek
Kirix Support Team
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