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Check to see if records exists

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Check to see if records exists

Postby abenitez77 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:22 pm

I am checking to see if a record exists in a table, if not I will add a record with values. I am doing this check below to see if it exists and When it does not exist, I get the error msg below:

error msg:
Script Runtime Error: Term 'rstChk.hasNext' does not evaluate to a function.

var rstChk = db.execute("select ProjectsID,ProjectName,ClientName,AuditYear,ToolName,SQLServer,SQLDBName,SQLTableName FROM tblv_ProjectDetail WHERE ClientName = '" + MyClient + "' AND AuditYear = '" + MyAuditYear + "' AND ProjectName = '" + ProjectName + "' AND ToolName = 'STRATA' and SQLServer = '" + ServerName.getText() + "' AND SQLDBName = '" + DataBaseName.getText() + "' AND SQLTableName = '" + TableName.getText() + "'");

if (rstChk.hasNext())
alert("Table ' " + TableName.getText() + "' in " + ServerName.getText() + "/" + DataBaseName.getText() + " already exists in the Project");
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