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Installation help on Debian Etch

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Installation help on Debian Etch

Postby Freshmeadow on Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:52 pm

Greetings from Guelph. I realize the Linux version is for Ubuntu but, since Ubuntu is based on Debian I thought I would try an install on Etch. However, I would appreciate some installation instructions. I have found a readme file in the Strata folder but it just gives instructions on installing Mozilla. Could someone please help?
Thank you.
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Re: Installation help on Debian Etch

Postby Ben on Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:35 pm


Sure, I'll try to help you install on Debian. It might just work.

First, let's try installing the program the automatic way.

1) Double-click on the archive
2) Drag it's contents to a new folder on your Desktop
3) Double-click on the setup file

If after these steps, it's still not working, try making the setup file executable and double-click on the setup file again.

If this fails to install the package, post another message, and we'll try another trick.

Ben Williams
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Re: Installation help on Debian Etch

Postby Freshmeadow on Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:55 pm

I just got back on the forum but now it is really late here. I will try your suggestion on Friday and let you know. Thanks for your quick response. I hope we can make it work.
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Re: Installation help on Debian Etch

Postby Peter on Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:24 am

It won't install on Etch because libc is too early a version. However if you distribution upgrade to Sid, it will install just fine on 32bit. I have not managed yet to get it to install on the amd64 version despite having all the right 32 bit support.

There are a couple of issues on startup, some wx functions generate error messages, which I have clipped and will send in from the other machine, but if you just carry on, it loads and seems to work ok.
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Re: Installation help on Debian Etch

Postby Freshmeadow on Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:15 am

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That explains why, even after making the setup file executable, nothing happens! Do you have to do a full dist-upgrade to Sid? Thank you.
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Re: Installation help on Debian Etch

Postby Peter on Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:50 am

Yes, I did a distribution update from Synaptic. It was time consuming but I think its fairly safe at this point. First change your repositories to Sid. Then do mark all updates, then go ahead and do them. Depending on how big your install is, a gig or so later you'll be upgraded. One issue with kde is that if you have any kde app running when you do this, you'll get messages about undefined mime types when you fire up (eg) kmail or kontact. This is easily fixed by restarting. When X restarts, kde reinitializes and all should be well. I had to go through this mark all and implement twice, because not quite everything downloaded properly the first time, but the second time we got through it.

Whether you can just change the repositories and then only upgrade libc? Don't know. I have been waiting a while to upgrade to Sid, but thought it was about time. Usually I run on testing, then when testing becomes stable, stay with stable until I feel testing is going to have settled down enough, and move over.

The only issue I've found so far is that cups doesn't work. So will have to uninstall and reinstall that.
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Re: Installation help on Debian Etch

Postby Peter on Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:52 am

By the way, might be useful to know that the way you find out why its not executing is open a terminal, then CD to the directory and do ./ application_name. Then you'll get an error message explaining why it can't run. More informative than double click on the icon and nothing happens!
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Re: Installation help on Debian Etch

Postby Freshmeadow on Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:02 pm

Thank you again for your help! We will see what happens!
Cheers from Guelph (Sunny, 27 degrees celsius).
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Re: Installation help on Debian Etch

Postby jholman on Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:03 pm

"Do you have to do a full dist-upgrade to Sid?"

No. Simply "apt-get install libstdc++6"

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