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Suggestion - Table Outline Dragging Into Relationships Windo

Please let us know if you are encountering problems with the beta or have ideas for how it can be improved. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can try to repeat the problem. Thanks!

Suggestion - Table Outline Dragging Into Relationships Windo

Postby girish133 on Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:27 pm

A relatively small feature I miss (and I realize may be due to an update with wxWidgets) is the outline of a table when dragging it into the relationships window. It did this until Beta 8. When I have a lot of tables to drag into the relationships table it helps to see where they each will go when I drag them in.
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Re: Suggestion - Table Outline Dragging Into Relationships Windo

Postby Dave on Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:00 pm

Thanks for this suggestion. The box outline when dragging a table into the relationship window has indeed been removed. We'll look into this and do our best to add it back in.

All the best,
Dave Williams
Kirix Support Team
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