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Why cant I Sort??

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Why cant I Sort??

Postby kirix on Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:25 am

I import a table, i select a cell in the column, i select sort, i drag the column heading field into the right area and select either desending/asending and select run...nothing

I do the same thing BUT select the entire column and same thing, nothing...

Should I be in a particular mode to apply sorting? i have tried it on column with number and text and it doesnt work on either, any help appreciated...


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Re: Why cant I Sort??

Postby Ken on Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:52 pm

Hi JR,

This is certainly strange behavior. Let me ask you a few questions:

1. What operating system/version are you using?

2. Is the table something you are able/willing to share with our support folks? If so, could you zip up and email the original table to

3. Could you try this: Open Strata and paste in the following URL into the URL box:

A table should open showing household savings rates (via Swivel). Right-click on any header and select Sort Ascending or Descending. The items should sort as expected.

This should help us narrow down what the problem is.

Ken Kaczmarek
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Re: Why cant I Sort??

Postby kirix on Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:02 pm

hi ken

it works for me in the url you sent, it shows the progress bar on the bottom while its processing the sort, and when i return to the sort button the field is it there (it works)

alot of times I get a message saying, "table is read-only". Could that be it?

obviously its something with my table, but its from a passowrd protected site, i right click it imports my table fine, i can add calculated fields, and save the table in my projects, but cant sort nor filter...
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Re: Why cant I Sort??

Postby Ken on Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:57 pm

Hi JR,

My guess is that you may have spaces in either your table name or, more likely, in one or more of your field names. Strata has a quirk where it imports HTML tables "as is" regarding the naming convention -- but it won't sort correctly if spaces are in the field names (this is on our bug list).

So, assuming that this is the case, do the following:

1. Open the table, then click on View > Design. This will toggle to the structure view.
2. You'll see a list of all your field names... for any that have spaces, just double-click on the name and an edit prompt will appear. Replace any spaces with a "_" (or just change the names as you see fit).
3. Toggle back to the Table view (View > Table or the toggle icon on the top right).
4. Try to sort/filter.

Let me know if this does the trick,
Ken Kaczmarek
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Re: Why cant I Sort??

Postby kirix on Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:04 pm


Thank, none of the fields had a space, some had a _, i deleted this _ and it gave me an error that it was an invalid name, ei Close_ became Close, though no other field is named Close

i renamed each and every field , deleted everything, and renamed but it didnt help,

i tried it on free site, it is able to sort and filter....i used it on another password protected site, and it works on some and not in others (meaning I can always import and it looks fin e, add calc fields etc but no sorting /filtering...
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Re: Why cant I Sort??

Postby Ken on Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:37 pm

Hi JR,

Is it possible to zip up one of these tables that doesn't work and send it our way? It seems certain that it is table-related, given that you are able to sort with other tables. It's just hard to diagnose what the issue is without seeing it.

If these are HTML imports that you are doing and are OK with letting us see them, you can do the following:

1. Open the problem table in Strata.
2. Select File > Save As External
3. Save it as a CSV file type.
4. Zip it up and send to (or, if it is public domain, you can attach it to a forum post).


P.S. Also, the reason that "close" didn't work is that it is a reserved keyword -- here's the list of invalid field names (that would otherwise interfere with functions, etc.): ... n_view.htm
Ken Kaczmarek
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