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MySQL issues

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MySQL issues

Postby AaronAcephalous on Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:12 pm

Here's at least one bug: the bug-reporting page listed in a recent topic in this very forum doesn't seem to exist; the URL, linked from that post, returns 404. Bug in the bug report system? :)

I'd like to see a more robust MySQL client, for a start; while Strata connected with no trouble to the MySQL instance running under this machine's coLinux virtual machine, it's been entirely unable to connect to the MySQL instance running under the Windows installed on the actual hardware. (What's the newest version of MySQL that is supported? I've got 5.something running under Windows and 4.1 running under coLinux; maybe that makes a difference.) I'd also like to be able to edit MySQL tables via Strata's datasheet view, but I imagine that's probably coming soon -- I did find, by double-clicking the datasheet, an "unlock the project from read-only mode" option, but that didn't seem to give me any way to actually edit.

Also, the datasheet seems to be counting off by one initially, at least with MySQL data. When I load a table, I get something like the following:

Note the empty row at the bottom. Now, when I right-click and try to use any of the filter/mark/&c. options, I get the following:

Note how it's pulling the value from the field above the one I clicked. There are a couple of ways I've found to work around this one: one is to right-click a value in the first row, which apparently causes Strata to notice and correct the off-by-one error. Another workaround is to sort the data first; this apparently causes a complete re-count, because the empty row at the bottom disappears as well.

Filtering also doesn't seem to be counted correctly. In the above image, if I select "Title = 'Local Projects'" from the Filter submenu, the entire datasheet disappears, instead of all but the one row which matches the filter.

Finally, I've noticed that not all MySQL datatypes are yet supported in Strata; it entirely ignores the existence of columns with any of the *TEXT or *BLOB datatypes. Obviously, it's not useful to display BLOB data in a browser, but I'd at least like to see that Strata recognizes the column's existence, and TEXT data certainly could be usefully displayed.
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Re: MySQL issues

Postby AaronAcephalous on Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:35 pm

I can't seem to edit my post, so EDITED TO ADD: The MySQL DATETIME format isn't correctly handled; Strata understands the time portion, but seems to want to parse the date as MM-DD-YYYY instead of YYYY-MM-DD.
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Re: MySQL issues

Postby Ben on Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:29 pm

Wow, thanks for the fantastic bug report. We'll be sure to fix this off-by-one immediately.


#127, #128
Ben Williams
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Re: MySQL issues

Postby Ben on Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:25 pm


This bug has been fixed.

Thanks for the report,
Ben Williams
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Re: MySQL issues

Postby jpkaat on Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:27 am

I agree, it should be able to handle Blob datatypes and covert .dbf memo fields to Blob fields when saving a .dbf under a MYsql database.
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