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File > Save As - directories selections.

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File > Save As - directories selections.

Postby MES_Tech on Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:05 pm

Normally our project files are stored on shared drive(s) and should be kept there for organizational reasons. I created a temporary project to test Strata and when I went to save the project, I couldn't select the correct directory. I couldn't remember the full path either.

No menu or ability came up to select the location to save the data. This is a show stopper as the directory where the data was stored

I tried to enter the path in the Save As dialog with no success using standard terms.


It would be better if there was a normal browse window.

It would be hard to know and type the full path if it was something like.

/export/home/rlaing/data/Projects/NTL-II/Trials/Gauges/Trial 11 July 14 0800/P19P20P22P24_01_Out_10

And yes, this is a true data path.
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Re: File > Save As - directories selections.

Postby Aaron on Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:24 pm

In Strata, projects are collections of data and related resources that are created and managed using a project manager, which you can open via "Project" in the Tools menu.

In your case, to create/access a project from a shared location, go to Tools->Project, then select "Create New Project" and choose the location where you want the shared project to reside. Then, set this project to load automatically by going to Tools->Options, and in the "General" section, select the newly created project from the list of projects next to the the "Automatically Load Project" item.

Once this project has been created, you have a lot of flexibility with where the data is actually located and what format its stored in. You can open a CSV file on the filesystem (File->Open) or a database table in a database (File->CreateConnection) and then copy it into the project, or alternatively, if you want to work with the "live" data, you can create links to these files or database tables in the project using bookmarks (File->AddBookmark) and connections (File->CreateConnenction), then open the linked files from the project.

For example, to open a CSV file and create a copy of it in a Strata project, open the CSV file using File->Open, then save it to a Strata project using File->SaveAs. To link to the same CSV file, open it using File->Open, but instead of saving it, use File->Bookmark.

In general, the Open/SaveAs/SaveAsExternal/CreateConnection set of functions are quite handy for quickly converting data from one format to another. To convert a file from a CSV file to a DBF format, open the CSV file using File->Open, then save it to a DBF file using File->SaveAsExternal; to convert a MySQL table to CSV format, create a connection to the MySQL database, open the table, and then select "Save As External" from the file menu.
Aaron Williams
Kirix Support Team
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