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Specifying Pane size

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Specifying Pane size

Postby Brian on Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:38 pm


UI have 2 panes I'm docking to the right hand side, same width, but I want their heights NOT to be the same. I want one to be smaller than the other, height-wise.

I tried BestSize, MaxSize, either/or, then both, nothing seems to work. Here's how I'm doing the small one (which is coming out too big).

mPaneManager.AddPane (Editor, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name (wxT("rightyx")).Caption(wxT("Editor")).Right().BestSize(120,180).MaxSize(120,180).CloseButton(true).MaximizeButton(true));

What could be causing it not to work. I'm using wxPanels, (in DialogBlocks), and I also specify the panel size in DialogBlocks.

What "gotcha" am I missing?

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Postby Ben on Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:50 am

Hi Brian,

You need to set Fixed(). Until you set that, wxAUI takes all of your size parameters as "recommendations". Naturally, it tries to do it's best to achieve the sizes you specified, but in the end a lot is up to the user. If you specify Fixed(), you might get the effect you intended.

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