I have small sizing problem with wxAUI. I have my main frame which has its frame manager for the toolbar and for one wxPanel:
- Code: Select all
class ColligereMainFrame : public wxFrame
ColligereMainFrame ( wxWindow *pParent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString &rTitle,
const wxPoint &rPos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &rSize = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
const wxString &rName = "Colligere Main Frame");
void CreateNewFile();
ColligereAudioDatabaseLayout *mpActiveLayout;
wxPanel *mpLayoutParent;
wxFrameManager mFrameMngr;
ColligereMainFrame::ColligereMainFrame ( wxWindow *pParent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString &rTitle,
const wxPoint &rPos,
const wxSize &rSize,
long style, const wxString &rName )
: wxFrame ( pParent, id, rTitle,
rPos, rSize, style, rName ),
mpActiveLayout(0), mpLayoutParent(0)
mFrameMngr.SetManagedWindow ( this );
mpLayoutParent = new wxPanel ( this, -1, wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER );
mFrameMngr.AddPane ( mpLayoutParent, wxCENTER );
void ColligereMainFrame::CreateNewFile()
wxFileDialog dlg ( this, wxT ("Choose a file"),
wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT( "COL Files (*.col)|*.col|All Files (*.*)|*.*" ),
wxSAVE | wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT, wxDefaultPosition );
if ( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
mpActiveLayout = new ColligereAudioDatabaseLayout
( mpLayoutParent, dlg.GetPath() );
So now there's the frame and the wxPanel which is used as a parent for other panels. Here's the ColligereAudioDatabaseLayout files:
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class ColligereAudioDatabaseLayout : public wxPanel
ColligereAudioDatabaseLayout ( wxWindow *pParent, const wxString &rInputFile );
wxFlatNotebook *mpItemInformation;
ColligereListCtrl *mpDatabaseItems;
ColligereDatabaseHandler *mpDbHandler;
wxPanel *mpItemInfoPanel;
wxFrameManager mLayoutMngr;
ColligereAudioDatabaseLayout::ColligereAudioDatabaseLayout ( wxWindow *pParent,
const wxString &rInputFile )
: wxPanel ( pParent, wxID_ANY,
wxDefaultPosition, pParent->GetClientSize(), wxTAB_TRAVERSAL,
wxT("Colligere Database Layout Panel") )
mLayoutMngr.SetManagedWindow ( this );
mpDbHandler = new ColligereDatabaseHandler ( rInputFile );
if ( mpDbHandler->IsDatabaseOpened() )
mpDatabaseItems = new ColligereListCtrl ( this, -1, wxDefaultPosition,
wxSize ( 200, 100 ), wxLC_REPORT | wxLC_SINGLE_SEL | wxLC_HRULES | wxLC_VRULES );
mpDatabaseItems->InsertColumn ( 0, _("Artist") );
mpDatabaseItems->InsertColumn ( 1, _("Album") );
mpItemInformation = new wxFlatNotebook ( this, -1,
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxFNB_NO_X_BUTTON |
mpItemInfoPanel = new wxPanel ( mpItemInformation );
( wxSystemSettings::GetColour ( wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE ) );
mpItemInformation->AddPage ( mpItemInfoPanel, _("Basic Information") );
mLayoutMngr.AddPane ( mpDatabaseItems, wxLEFT, _("Database Items") );
mLayoutMngr.AddPane ( mpItemInformation, wxCENTER );
And now for the actual problem: When the ColligereAudioDatabaseLayout panel is created, everything is sized correctly. However, if I maximize the frame, the layout becomes this:
So as you can see, the "inner layout" is not sized even though the frame is maximized. However, it's weird that if I maximize the frame before creating the ColligereAudioDatabaseLayout then everything works as they should (even if I minimize it again). This of course made me to do a hack where I maximize the frame in the code but that's something I naturally wouldn't want to do!
So, any ideas on how to fix this? Is it a problem that I have two wxFrameManagers in my app?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Solved by removing the layout parent and tweaking some other stuff too.